“This training is yet another example of brilliant, valuable info put across in a clear, fun and no B.S. fashion, but the most important factor I take away is that I actually felt super motivated during and after it! Now that my business is more streamlined and organized, I have more time to make it better! Sales have increased as has the number of happy customers who have left me lovely comments and even sending me thank you cards.“
Sarah Taylor
In this lesson, it’s all about CLARITY. You’re gonna learn exactly how to discover
what you really want (and don’t want!) for your business so that you
can create the step-by-step roadmap for getting there. Why? Because setting great
goals and making BIG things happen all starts with getting extreme clarity
on WHERE you’re going!
You’re gonna get clear on the money makers in your business! After all, it’s not enough to simply set lofty financial goals for the year, you need to know where specifically all that money is going to be coming from. You’ll also learn how to project revenue for each income stream so that you have solid numbers to strive for in order to help you actually HIT your financial goals! (Yes, even if you haven’t created ANY paid offerings yet!)
In this lesson you’ll learn how to actually create your roadmap to get you to where you want to go! This includes your promotional calendar so that you can focus on the RIGHT things every single day in order to most effectively grow your business. While you’ll be getting clear on your overall focus for the current year, you’ll also be creating your detailed plan for the current quarter so that you can start growing your business ASAP.
Now it’s time to learn about the number #1 mistake that most entrepreneurs
make when it comes to achieving longterm success, and how YOU
can avoid it. Because in order to get through the rough patches of the journey,
(and trust me, there will be many!), you need to develop the right mindset and habits to carry you through like a champ.
In THIS lesson on how to optimize your business for PROFIT, you’re gonna learn about the 3 main things that you absolutely need to focus on with all of your business activities in order to make the most of your marketing efforts, as well as the crucial numbers that you need to know in order to optimize your business for profit. (Yep, even if you’re NOT a “numbers person” like me!) No more driving your business blind, baby.
I couldn’t think of a better way to prepare yourself for starting your new business venture than by coming up with a solid PLAN for it! You’ll get clarity on the action steps you need to take, where you want your business to go and
you’ll even learn how to project revenue for your very first year!
Unless you just want to blog as a hobby, then your blog is a business! And you need to treat it as such by coming up with a solid plan for how you will grow, make money and totally thrive online.
Up until now you’ve just been kind of … well … “winging it.” And as a result, you find yourself not knowing what to focus on, falling prey to “shiny object syndrome” and NOT seeing the growth that you so desperately want! Your current version of planning includes long to-do lists and random goals that you rarely hit.
When you sell digital products, you need to have a solid plan in place for HOW you will continue to get traffic, customers and sales! And if you’ve got revenue goals, then you need a roadmap for hitting them.
Your online business was going great for awhile until … it wasn’t.
Your income has hit a plateau and you find yourself secretly wondering, “Well … is this it?” You know you want to take your business to the next level, but right now the only plan that you have for doing so is the scattered one inside of your head!
If you’re trying to run an online business of any kind, then you need a solid roadmap in place so that you know how to spend your time, can make wiser decisions and can continue to grow like wildfire!
This course will only benefit those who actually take action
and put in the work! If you think just buying the course without putting it into action will benefit you, then please save your money, yo!
This course is for those who are SERIOUS about seeing their business succeed, and they’re willing to put in the time and effort to make that happen! This ISN’T for you if your biz is just a side gig “just for fun.”
This one might sound just a tad obvious, but if you currently DON’T have an online business (and you’re not seriously planning on actually starting one), then this course would be quite … pointless.
No problem! I couldn’t think of a better way to prepare yourself for starting your new business venture than by coming up with a solid PLAN for it! You’ll get clarity on the action steps you need to take, where you want your business to go and you’ll even learn how to project revenue for your very first year!
It starts now and never ends! It’s completely self-paced, so you get to decide when you start and when you finish. Woot! However, this course is meant to be completed in just 5 – 7 days, so I recommend setting aside 1 -2 hours a day for about 5 days to get through it. Plus, you have LIFETIME access to the material (including all updates and added bonuses!)
No. This course walks you through how to create a strategic PLAN for growing your business so that you can maximize your time, focus on the RIGHT things and grow your revenue! It covers things like how to plan your year in quarters, how to prioritize your tasks, how to create your promotional calendar + work schedule and what NUMBERS you need to focus on growing in your business. However, there IS a bonus lesson on how to come up with ideas for your “low hanging fruit offer!” (Ii.e. something that you can create quickly and easy!)
Sorry, no refund.
When you enroll in The 5 Day Profit Plan, you’re acknowledging that you have received and agreed to these terms.